BLVD Leadership 2025

This past fall we celebrated our six year anniversary as a church. As we look forward to the next six years of ministry, we are committed to having solid leadership boards to guide us. To that end, we will soon be accepting nominations for Board of Directors, Pastoral Care Elders, and Deacons. 

The nomination process will last for the month of February. Information about the process, terms of service, qualifications of the nominees and the descriptions of the Board of Directors, Pastoral Care Elders, and Deacons can be found here

For the next few weeks, we ask that you pray and ask for discernment for names of those who you would like to nominate for these three boards.

Nominations can be submitted online here

If you have any questions, please send them to Please submit your nominations by February 28, 2025.

Accountability, Nomination Process, Terms and Qualifications
Here's some info to get you started on the nomination process!


  • The Board of Directors, Elders, and Deacons are accountable to Christ.
  • All leadership members are responsible to serve on behalf of their various constituencies, including the Reformed Church in America, regular attenders, partners, and individual members.

Nomination process

  • Each potential leader of the BLVD Church will go through a nomination process.
  • The church will nominate potential leadership candidates.
  • Each candidate should go through a personal discernment process. Should they desire to continue in the nomination process, leadership interviews will be conducted.
  • Current Board members and pastoral leadership will then approve all candidates for each leadership position.


  • Each leadership member will be asked to serve a two-year term.
  • A maximum of three consecutive terms would be available.
  • Leaders would be expected to enjoy a one year period of rest prior to being able to serve again on the Board of Directors or as an Elder or Deacon.


  • Follower of Jesus Christ
  • Regular participant of the BLVD Church
  • Committed to the mission & vision of the BLVD Church
  • Tither to the BLVD
  • Currently serving in some capacity in or through Rhe BLVD Church
  • Not currently BLVD leadership, staff, or spouse of those currently serving